Monday, August 3, 2009

random convo

Yesterday James and I were talking:

M: You should call your dad sometime.
(You see Sunday's are his designated day to call his parents, he is a funny little guy)
J: Nah. He'll call me.
(Minutes pass...)
M: Well do you think you can learn how to french braid so that you can do my hair?
(James was laughing hard at this point...)
J: Do you think you can learn how to string a tennis racket?
M: Why would I want to learn how to string a tennis racket?
J: Why would I want to learn how to french braid?
M: I've been craving a french-braided pig-tail hair-do and I can't do it on myself.
J: We'll see crazy person.


Unknown said...

I will do it for you EVERYDAY next week - if you want me to!! Next time I'm with Jamesy, I'll teach him how. Whoohoo!