Tuesday, February 24, 2009

this is how i feel about clinicals tomorrow,

these are James's new shoes,

here's us giving you a kiss,

and one to eachother. :)


Brenda Adams said...

Mary & James, That looks horrid..... You guys are soooo funny. If I didn't already know you, I would think you guys needed some serious help.

ps: ck the girlies out on my blog!

Katy said...

Mary, you are hilarious!!

Christine said...

Ummm... I think I'm jsut gonna call you Edward and Bella... LOL! That picture is crazy.

Ps. Nice shoes Jamesy:) Mary... sweet photography- good luck on clinicals:)

Laurel said...

That is a crazy picture. Love reading your blog. You are so funny.

Anonymous said...

Gross. Why did you put this on your blog? We don't care what you guys do when you're alone. I love you anyways though.